What makes a great daycare? As a parent, you probably have a checklist. But your child doesn’t. He or she only knows whether they like a place or not. Fortunately, all kids, including yours, want the same things. Same things? You bet. That’s because young kids only have a few basic desires. Once met, they’re […]
Tag: play
What Do Kids Do at a Screen-Free Daycare?
As a parent, you probably have mixed emotions about screen time at daycare. On the one hand, some is OK because… well, it’s daycare. On the other hand, too much is bad. But how much screen time is too much? Thirty minutes a day? An hour? Two hours? (According to one survey of daycare centers, […]
Is outdoor play “weather dependent” at your daycare? It is for most daycares… and that’s a problem. You see daycare licensing agencies leave weather interpretation up to the staff. While licensors do prefer that kids go outside every day, they do not issue edicts. So there’s no ironclad definition of “good” or “bad” weather. Subjective […]